Monday, December 04, 2006

my tree of tounges (poemoff 2)

my tree of tounges (poemoff 2)

eve made me a
crown of thorns
to christen my dry scalp
as i sway in a garden of my own content.
posion me with love
felt only by a man from heaven
gracing mortal angels
with heavyhandedsins
too numerous to name.

naked in the tomato patch,
i pluck these strange fruits,
shine them with my shirt,
and gather hidden whims
beneath my belt.

"sink," you say,
"your pretty white teeth
into deliciousness not
seen or heard
and you will know
the beauty of the world."
yet tomorrow's the apocolypse--
rain of crimes unforgiven--
but you lay sweetly
at my side and slither lies
through closed teeth.

The title and first line of this poem come from Zack's "IS NOT THE BEST THAT HEAVEN HAS."

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