Thursday, January 26, 2006

Don't assume my poems are facts

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the confusion that readers often have with the persona of a poem and the writer of a poem. There are some subjects that make people assume that the persona and the writer are identical. But this is not so. I'd request that when you read my poems, you don't assume I'm writing about myself. Sometimes I am, but usually I am only thinking of myself in some sort of abstract way. Perhaps an emotion I'm feel sparks an image or sometimes it's even something as simple as a smell triggering an emotion, which builds to images. Poems may hold truths (I certainly hope mine do), but they aren't necessarily factual.


Mr Zack said...

I'll second this. People don't usually think that the first-person pronoun in Stephen King or (shudder) Dan Brown really represents the novelist and their exact feelings and opinions, yet they often assume that of poets.

also, your last two poems rock.

Froyd said...'re telling me these are LIES!?!?!?

tiffany said...

They are closer to the truth than you ever will get. But they're not factual.

Froyd said...

"closer to the truth than you ever will get"

are you saying I can't tell the truth?

that hurts. hurts almost as much as being called a jack ass. with no hyphen.